Medical Systems 66 introduces :Solio X 2D : News Medical Systems 66Nos évènementsContact usOur team answers to every request in short time. France: 09 67 57 77 96 | Mobile radiographics JOLLY Plus (analogic version)JOLLY Plus is one of the lightest available units on the today's market with a compact design that allows to operate in every conditions. It is available in 3 versions: 4 kilowatts, 15 kilowatts and 30 kilowatts Imprimer la fiche
Envoyer à un amiVous souhaitez faire connaître cette page à vos amis, prévenez-les dès maintenant, en inscrivant simplement leur(s) adresse(s) nom(s) e-mail. Description :Principal features :• Handy and easy to use to perform radiological examinations at the bedside using a grid tape or by using a mobile grid Bucky. • Grab bar to overcome small obstacles and facilitate access to the elevator. • Usable in all kinds of conditions even for small care or recovery rooms. • One of the lightest units on the market. • Controlled by microprocessor. • All the parameters are selected from a touchscreen 13 x 38 cm. • Wide range of anatomical programs, available in 5 different languages. • Wide compartment to hold 6 tapes and more. Remarques :Dispositif médical pour la radiologie réservé aux professionnels de santé classé IIb selon la directive européenne applicable en vigueur.Ces dispositifs ont été été conçus et fabriqués selon la norme ISO 13485 et 9001. Marquage CE. Nous vous invitons à lire attentivement le manuel d'utilisation. Fabricant : BMI srl (Italie) |